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Sawasdee-Ka in Erfurt

Erfurt has been blessed with an explosion of new restaurants and eateries. Not surprising seeing that food is, after all, a real necessity. What is a little surprising to me, and pleasantly so, is the sudden burst of Asian restaurants. Why this is, I have no idea. But I ain't complainin'.  One of the newest restaurants to come on the scene is Chao Phraya Thai Kitchen - a full-on Thai restaurant and self-proclaimed as Erfurt's first Thai restaurant. This latter part is especially important to note - most Asian restaurants here are a fusion mix of East, South and South East dishes.  For those less familiar with the differences: (Achtung: these are estimates of actual geographical boundaries) East Asia refers to the regions of and surrounding China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan Macao, Mongolia and Korea. South Asia would be the countries of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal, and the regions around it. Given its vast landscape, parts of India are also North Asia.  South East Asi


 Thuringia begins its 3G rule for all indoor dining and events. The 3G refers to the Geimpft, Genesen, Getestet - which translates to Vaccinated, Recovered (from Covid-19), Tested (with a negative result). 


I was walking around Anger Erfurt and decided to post this as an example of one of the eateries (in this case, Nordsee) executing this requirement.  It isn't the only one displaying this rule; private, enclosed places like the Presseklub where I have my salsa classes, and the research institute where I am a corporate trainer, enforce this as well. 

While many consider this an act of societal division, I see it differently. 

Geimpft (vaccinated) means I have a lesser chance of being severely sick from the Covid virus. Yes, I may be infected still, but my chances of recovery are higher. So, I am doing my bit to not overload the healthcare system (and the personnel who work in it). 
Genesen (recovered) means I have a natural immunity against it, albeit for a limited time of a few months. But it means I won't be sick from it any time soon, and have a much smaller likelihood of infecting those around me. 
Getestet (tested) means I have a recent test proving I am not carrying it around, at least in that moment. 

Dividing the community? I think not. If anything that is dividing the community, it is the personal decision to not ensure that one is "safe" to be around. 

Plus, I read the science. And yes, this makes sense. 

[Update: the 3G, 2G, and 2G+ rules are subject to change depending on current health standard operating procedures]


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