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Sawasdee-Ka in Erfurt

Erfurt has been blessed with an explosion of new restaurants and eateries. Not surprising seeing that food is, after all, a real necessity. What is a little surprising to me, and pleasantly so, is the sudden burst of Asian restaurants. Why this is, I have no idea. But I ain't complainin'.  One of the newest restaurants to come on the scene is Chao Phraya Thai Kitchen - a full-on Thai restaurant and self-proclaimed as Erfurt's first Thai restaurant. This latter part is especially important to note - most Asian restaurants here are a fusion mix of East, South and South East dishes.  For those less familiar with the differences: (Achtung: these are estimates of actual geographical boundaries) East Asia refers to the regions of and surrounding China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan Macao, Mongolia and Korea. South Asia would be the countries of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal, and the regions around it. Given its vast landscape, parts of India are also North Asia.  South East Asi

Dessert Temptation

2021 came and went, and it's 2022, with a new year to enjoy new eats. 

And so it was that I took a walk out of the apartment a couple of weeks ago, with the sole intention of trying out this place, Desserado. The brilliant marketing idea of putting up mouth-watering pictures of waffles and ice-cream creations in the window paid off, because this customer found herself thinking of these sweets weeks before this moment. 

It was my first trip there, so I decided to try out something simple. Just fresh, homemade waffles (with their own recipe for the batter, whatever it was) and some chocolate ice-cream (as I've mentioned before in my previous blog here, chocolate flavours get my vote any day). 

They went a little creative on my simple order of waffles and ice-cream. Seriously. 

When my plate arrived, I actually felt a little underdressed. 

There seemed to be more effort in putting  this whole thing together, than from me getting dressed to actually come here. Yes, it was that pretty. The point, however, is whether or not it was worth its looks.

So I began. The waffles, or bubble waffles as they're called here, were soft, fluffy and, of course, warm. The overall feeling was like digging into a nice, soft pillow. Like squeezing into cotton balls mixed with duck down. If you can imagine that, then you understand the level of utter satisfaction I had digging my fork into each part of this delightful creation. What I especially noted and loved was that they weren't too sweet, which was perfect because, I mean seriously, look at what's piled on top! So, a waffle batter that isn't overly sweet, yet stands on its own glory of texture and taste, is indeed a winner in my book. 

The choices of toppings  deserve a whole blog on their own. Firstly, you have a choice of sweets/candies or fruits, or a mix. I opted for the former, because I wanted a total chocolate experience (I also wanted to reserve the latter as an excuse for another visit, ahem). 

My choice of sweets were from chocolate confectioneries such as Ferrero Rocher, Raffaello, Kinder Bueno, and some other names I cannot quite recall at this moment (possibly still feeling giddy from all that goodness). I could have 2 choices, plus a thick serving of dark chocolate syrup on top of it all, AND some chocolate shavings to boot. And yes, a mix of dark, white and milk chocolate. Talk about chocolate heaven.  

The ice-cream on the waffles deserves its own accolade. Rich, creamy with a firm texture, mine was chocolate flavoured (but of course), although I was tempted to try the other options they had (there was a full range which included vanilla, rum, mint, etc).  

Eaten together, the waffle, chocolate ice-cream and varieties of chocolates in one spoonful was a treat for the taste buds. Unlike some dessert places that served ice-cream that was a little too soft and would often melt even before I was halfway through my meal, Desserado's could hold its shape for a lot longer, making the time sitting in to relish every second very much worth it. 

Just knowing that the whole plate was mine made me feel completely spoilt. But hey, given these pandemic/endemic times, I deserve it.  

So it you're like me, looking for fresh waffles that aren't too sweet and want a complete meal as a treat after a week of work (or for no absolute reason at all), this is a place you could try out. In addition to ice-cream waffles, they serve a selection of coffees as well, one of which is the latte macchiato.  

Desserado is the perfect name for this quaint eatery, in the corner of one of Erfurt's cobbled city streets. To me, it sounds like a combination of the words "dessert" and "desperate", which brings to mind the feeling of being "desperate for dessert".  Which would be an apt description for the state of mind one is in when entering these premises.   

[Note: currently, the 2G or 2G+ rules apply for dine-ins, and are subject to change. More information and reservations at Desserado



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